Resident Forms & Policies

The PHA has been minimizing contact among workers, clients, and residents by replacing face-to-face meetings with virtual communications and implementing teleworking. Below is a list of forms and policies that may be of assistance to Portland Housing Authority residents and applicants. If you need more information than what is provided, please contact the Housing Authority directly at (860) 342-1688.


Automatic Direct Debit Authorization Form- Rent is always due on the 1st of every month and no later than the 10th. You can have your rent directly debit from your checking or savings account. You may download and print the Automatic Direct Debit Authorization form here. Please submit the paperwork along with a voided check to the Main Office located at 9 Chatham Court, Portland, CT 06480.

Transfer form

Reasonable Accommodation

Pet Policy

Departing Household Member

Complaint Form

Community Room Application

30-Day Notice of Intention to Vacate

Parking Permit Request

Zero Income Form